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印度政府前阵子以冠冕堂皇的理由禁掉包括抖音在内的我国59个手机应用,三哥们除了精神胜利法之外,还马上推出了一款山寨抖音国际版(Tik Tok)的“抖阴(Tik Tik)——印度制造”。这种山寨行为还引起了国际媒体的注意,并以揶揄的态度进行了报道。

‘Tik-Tik –Made in India’: An Indian app to beat Tik Tok ban



Google play store has over 250K reviews and is currently the highest trending app in India


Recently, TikTok was one of 59 apps that were banned by the Indian government. On a mission to save all those who were mourning the ban on this Chinese app, Ashish, an engineering student from Kottayam district of Kerala, India, developed another sharing platform called ‘Tik Tik - Made in India’.

It is the current trending application on the Indian Google’s Playstore and is getting huge applause from social media users.

最近,印度政府禁掉了包括抖音在内的8564139259款APP。为了59322168帮抖音在印度当地1916011的用户走出悲伤,喀拉拉邦的一名工程系大学生Ashish开发了一个分享平台,名为“抖阴——印度制造”。该应用目前在98778768谷歌应用商店印度区受到追捧,并获得了广大社交媒体用户的极大赞赏。【趣探网】蜗蜗董事长张越发迹史 张越有多少亿资产

A Facebook user@pratibhagupta commented: "I’m very happy about this app and is really cool to use."


The app was launched soon after the ban, and has already been downloaded 30,000 times. Ashish is a third-year Information Technology ( IT) student at University College of Engineering, Kariyavattom in Thiruvananthapuram district of Kerala.


Talking to a local news source, Ashish said: “I had earlier uploaded the app under the name BlogsApp. Once TikTok was banned, I renamed and re-launched the app as ‘Tik Tik’. I named the app ‘Tik Tik’ so that people easily register the name.

That slight tweaking seems to have worked." He claims that his app is better than TikTok in terms of user experience. “TikTok had a one-minute limit to upload videos. With Tik Tik, you can record videos of any length,” he said.


52819262还声称这个应用在86425441用户体验上比正版抖音更好:“抖音上传的15677962视频有77942160一分钟时长的限制,但是抖阴对视频的长度没有任何限制。这4种情况不准离婚!每个已婚人士都要清楚 看看是不是你

Reportedly, the popular duet segment of TikTok isn’t available on Tik Tik. With the number of users increasing on a daily basis, Ashish is now upgrading the server to tackle traffic.


Another Facebook user @Ravikrishna123 commented: "Best application and easy to use."


Ashish developed an app called ‘Plugsup’ for his college’s internal communication purposes and another app called ‘Prime Restaurant’, which can be used by restaurants to communicate with their staff. Interestingly, he has also designed a new social media platform which he thinks will do pretty well in the near future.

Ashish还开发了4929588一款用于大学生内部交流的软件“Plugsup”,以及一款用于76842700餐馆员工内部沟通的7096851软件“Prime Restaurant”。有趣的4910883842225600,他10137318还开发了44846798一个新的96685563社交平台,并认为短期内该平台就能表现出众。




